The information in our
Homestay Guide - PDF document has been designed to explain our Homestay Program and outline rules and expectations the International Student Program has for its participants.
Please note that these rules and expectations do not cover all situations. They do, however, provide sufficient information for the International Students to make good decisions. Certain rules and expectations are very precise and imperative, while others call for judgment on the part of the International Students and their Homestay parents.
Communication is key to develop a relationship and understanding of expectations. This process will take time and patience of cultural awareness as student and families build trust.
Our International Student Program has established certain rules which protect the International Student, the Homestay Family, and the International Student Program of the Lord Selkirk School Division's legal responsibility and liability. Please read this guide carefully to ensure you understand the basic rules and expectations of our Program.
International Students will also be given further information during orientation upon their arrival. This information will assist the students in dealing with certain topics which are too lengthy to include in this guide. International Students are encouraged to discuss any of these topics with their Homestay Family or International Student Program Staff if they require further clarification.